Saturday, July 14, 2012

The other side of Ciao: Goodbye beautiful Italia!

**Majority of my pictures are on Facebook because they were easier to upload with the bad internet connection (on this it took FOREVER)
To summarize my life in writing instead of photos for the past 4 weeks:

I have just ended my 4 weeks of non-stop, crazy, amazing, ridiculous experiences in Firenze (Florence) Italy! As you can tell by my slacking on blog updates, the month 100% encompassed every adjective just used to describe it.
I remember first flying into Italy from my week with Hayley in Ireland… I knew no one and I was a bit nervous. Also, the lovely Irish weather (rainy and cold) did not work well with my immune system and I ended up arriving in Italy with an achy body, sore throat, and runny nose. What decided NOT to arrive in Italy with me, however, was my luggage. Of course, Murphy’s Law, when one thing goes wrong everything else decides to become a total fiasco, too.
After 2.5 hours of watching the luggage belt go round and round… and round, I saw my immaculate grey luggage bag and have never been so happy to see such a sight. Everyone waiting on me to go to the hotel was extremely happy to see my luggage, too. So I started off as “that girl” who had the late luggage and made my group miss dinner… great.
Side note: Thanks for listening to my entire series of complaints, mom. This was probably the only low of the trip… other than the keys in the gutter incident. But that’s later.
FINALLY, we arrive at the hotel! I am greeted by this incredibly lively Italian man named Cosimo, who was my cultural introduction to Italy professor. And then eventually I got to meet the group of girls that you now see in every.single.photograph with me! Little did I know we would become so close so quickly -- I think being in a foreign country helps the bonding process, though.
Our group covered multiple states and colleges, majority from the South (Clemson, College of Charleston, Virginia, Georgia) but then we had a Bostonian and some Cali girls thrown in the mix, too. So interesting to get to know people from all different places, especially at this stage in life.  
You have all been updated on the Cultural week with the art garden, vineyards, city tours, beach trips, and lotssss of good food!
The blogging stopped when Florence began. By this time, we had a core group of girls from week 1 and it was nice to go into the school program knowing people this time. After day 1 of Orientation, we had more additions… Florida, Colorado, Texas, South Carolina, Canada, and some Mississippi (Ole Miss, in fact) join the group!
I can honestly say this group took advantage of every opportunity to experience Firenze… weekend trips, day museum and Duomo tours, the nightlife, Italian futbol, food… I really don’t think there is one thing we missed out on (as you can tell by the photos).
Aside from making unforgettable memories with this new collection of close friends, I think I covered everything on my list. Cinque Terre and Venice visits; Rock Jumping (that wasn’t on there…but I’m glad I did it now); Stuffing myself with every type of Panini, pasta and pizza; drinking wine like a local with the locals; seeing The David.. all 3 of them (1 real, 2 replicas) –You’re right dad, you and him look juuuust alike hahah--; learning a bit of the art and cultural history of Italy; NOT being hit by a Vespa (they seriously don’t stop or slow down for anything); having a few crazy nights; watching the sunset over Firenze; showing Italia off to sister Hayley; learning how to live without A/C, an oven, and embracing cold showers; getting lost and enjoying being lost; and picking up a few Italian phrases with the infamous dramatic hand motions used by EVERY Italian. They loooove to use their hands when speaking, yelling, eating… anything and everything can be described by a hand motion.  The grandmothers have perfected this. I have learned that no one messes with the grandmothers… Italian gmaws mean business. They look cute and harmless, but make them wait in a train ticket line for 2 hours and they take no prisoners… hand motions and Italian dramatics galore! I found it very entertaining, though.
It is so surreal to think that I am done with the first half of my European adventures and that I am about to start my tour through the cities of Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and London. What an AMAZING trip it has been so far!
I will continue to update on my journeys through the second, and final, half. I hope everyone is doing well and is enjoying the American luxuries (such as A/C and not paying for water)… because I know for a fact that I will be SO thankful to have the “simple” things in life back, again. Europe has taught me so much about not only it’s culture, but our culture in comparison. The beauty and history cannot be beat in Europe, but I loooove my America, too!
Updates soon!  Love and miss everyone!

I'm going to miss passing the Duomo and Baptistery every day and night

One of the 1,000 pizzas I indulged in.
The group!

Weekend with Hayley
Until next time, Firenze!


  1. What a post! Thoroughly enjoyed your blog and stories...laughed so hard that I had tears in my eyes. Gotta love those Italian gmaws...gonna be me one day! ; )
    I'm so thrilled that you have immersed yourself into the European culture, and yes, it makes you appreciate your country even more.
    You're at the half-time mark. Enjoy the rest of your adventure. Thanks for sharing. Love you, Mom

  2. I am impressed with how you have embraced all the culture. It truly looks as though the two of you have left no stone unturned. The best part, for me, has been your fabulous pictures. They will bring you happiness for many years. Some of them have even transported this- g'maw to be- back
    to a wonderful time and reminded me of the great experience that Uncle Al and Aunt Maryetta shared with us.
    Great attention to detail. Love....the food pictures and Hayley's recipes.
    Yes, nothing like those hot showers and private baths, but leave it all in the wind and live it up! Much love! Can't wait to see where you transport us next! Aunt sal
